July 21, 2020 @8:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Online personal growth with black star university

Come and learn about the wonders of the great Egyptian Polymath, Imhotep, who was one of the most influential master teachers Dr. Holman’s learned from in creating this work. Discover how we incorporate ancient wisdom, examined philosophies and contemporary learning to create this unique documented success system.
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June 07, 2020 @9:30 am
Online personal growth with black star university
All the same great features and benefits as the traditional Fatherhood Academy with facilitators in small group settings just in an online digital format.
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May 30, 2019 @8:30 pm - 10:30 pm20
Online Personal Growth with black star university
Want the step by step guide on getting started with the Fatherhood Academy? Join us for the simple steps to changing your life and impacting your family and community.
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April 25, 2020 @9:30 pm
Online personal growth with black star university
Discover the secrets behind the power of Dr. Holman’s philosophy, the 10 Life Values, XLV System. See how it is changing lives and how you can experience success in every area of your life and live the life you desire.
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March 08, 2019 @8:30 pm - 10:30 pm20
Online Personal growth with black star university
Join us to learn the meaning behind the principles that make up the Black Star University logo. It’s what we stand on: Excellence, Life, Strength, and Knowledge.
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